Series 65 Conventional Marine UV Base Mounted Flame Detector

Marine Series 65 Base MountedUV Flame Detector Marine

The Series 65 Marine Base Mounted Ultraviolet (UV) Flame Detector is designed to protect indoor areas where open fires may be expected.

UV Flame Detectors are designed for use in enclosed spaces and require a clear line of sight within the area to be protected. They are unaffected by draughts or convection currents. They are fast-acting and respond to a flame more than 25 meters away.

  • Responds to stationary flames with no flicker.
  • Sensitive to UV radiation emitted by flames during combustion.
  • A compact flame detector that fits into 45681-200MAR base.
  • Zone powered.

Certification: MED, ABS & CCS

    Supply Voltage 17 - 28 V dc
    Quiescent Current 550 µA
    Alarm Voltage 6 - 33 V dc
    Holding Voltage 6 V min
    Holding Current 10 mA min
    Field of View 90º cone
    Operating Temperature -40ºC to +70ºC (no condensation or icing)
    Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing
    IP Rating Design to IP66
    Dimensions (Detector & Base) 100 mm x 48mm
    Weight (Detector & Base) 210 grams

    Please Note: All data is supplied subject to change without notice. Specifications are typical at 24 V, 25 and 50% RH unless otherwise stated.

    55000-026MAR Marine Series 65 Base Mounted UV Flame Detector